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 Pastor's Pen 
Wednesday, February 07 2018
A lesson about Grace

I deserved a ticket that night. I was in violation of the law and knew well what those strobing lights behind me meant.

You see, in those days, we were allowed to get our driving permit at age 14. But we could only drive during daylight hours and only with a licensed driver 18 or older beside us. I knew all that but then there was the Glee Club rehearsal for a coming concert.

Dad was working at the service station, Mother was taking college courses and couldn't drive me to school. So I just hopped on my Cushman Eagle motor scooter, picked up a friend and headed for school. I mean...what could go wrong?? We were just going a couple of miles and wouldn't be on any major highways.

'Course the brake light was out and the headlight was dim. But at least we wouldn't let the director down!

We got there safely with no incident. But the trip home was another story altogether.  You see, to be "cool", I had taken the baffles out of the muffler.  It was LOUD!

I'm still not sure which of the obvious safety and noise issues attracted the attention of the highway patrolman.  But there he was right behind me with his lights announcing for the whole community that he was capturing a couple of fleeing lawbreakers!  

I dolefully but dutifully pulled over and waited for the cuffs.

Woe upon woe! The patrolman turned out to be a family friend! His first remark was that he thought I would've known better and that my folks had raised me better than that. He pointed out several violations that should have generated a ticket for me and much revenue for the State. 

But he just wrote me a warning for the violations and gave me what-for for my general lack of wisdom. Amazingly he turned both of us loose with the admonition to "get yourselves home right this minute and don't let me ever catch you out here like this again!"

Ummm....he didn't have to repeat himself! I got the message!

You know; I learned something very valuable that dark night under the flashing lights of the Police Cruiser. It was a lesson in Grace. I really did deserve an expensive ticket but was given mercy. Kinda like at Calvary. We all really do deserve Hell but God offers Heaven. What Grace! What Mercy!

Will you accept God's Grace?


Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 12:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 12 2018
Pastoral musing

The dialect often heard round these Ozark hills proves that one need not be profane to be colorful.

One old friend might say to another with a twinkle in his eye as they cross paths in the foyer of the restaurant, "Now, you won't need to order no coffee. Mine's still settin on the table and it's done saucered and blowed."

No one within earshot would presume to lecture either one on the social taboos violated by the suggestion of food-sharing and unsanitary serving practices. Everyone would recognize the wry humor underlying such a bizarre remark. Most would just shake their head and roll their eyes at the very thought.

I heard a scripture-based remark once with similar overtones. A veteran Believer was heard to say, "God fills our cups so full that they run over so the World can drink from our saucers!"

What a delightful thought that God provides such abundance for His children that they can share with the disadvantaged nearby! And don't be duped into thinking it's only "stuff" that we should share. Of much greater importance is shared love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, meekness, temperance and faith. "Stuff" can always be acquired. But you and the fruit of the Spirit in your life are rare indeed and truly priceless.

So go ahead and let God fill your cup to overflowing.  There will be plenty of loved ones, friends and total strangers who will come to you empty and dry.  They will gladly drink from your abundance!

In Christian love,

Richard Orrell, pastor

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:17 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 06 2018
Putting worry behind us

God’s plan for 2018

Matthew 6:25   NLT

25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life . . .”

Worries on the right of me, worries on the left of me, here I am, stuck in the muddle again.  Yes, I meant “Muddle”, similar to the words of a 60’s song.   

NO, absolutely not, that is NOT what our Father has in the plan for our lives.

As we begin 2018 let’s make a covenant with God  - to trust in Him and NOT let the enemy scare us. 

God’s got this. HE has your best interest at heart.  He has plans to prosper and protect you, everything for your good!

 So when the enemy knocks on your door with fear and uncertainty, Let Jesus answer the door.  He knows how to handle the enemy’s lies.   He’ll just say “Get behind Me Satan!”

Let’s have a worry free 2018!

God loves you and so do I,

Pastor Phil      


Posted by: Pastor Phil Illum AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, December 29 2017
A New Year

Building up to the start of the new year is always an exciting time. For some, it is an excitement in anticipation of good things they know are coming during the course of our next trip around the Sun. For others, the excitement is rather like the hullabaloo immediately after someone stirred up the ant bed! And sad to say, a lot of the unpleasantness the new year could hold is self-inflicted.

We would be well-served to remember that nothing we will face in 2018 is a shock to God. He's already there and has a detailed plan to carry us through the waters. The storm will not prevail neither will the calm cause us to become stagnant. For the Master of the storm is along when things get rough and the Breath of God fills our sails when the wind dies.

Ya gotta love Isaiah 54:17, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper!"

So whatever you face in this brave new year, face it with your confidence in God.  He cannot let you down!

With love,

Richard Orrell, Lead pastor

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 11:06 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 16 2017
Be patient

I remember it as if it were yesterday.

It was one of those years, (most families have them), when our parents had let us know things were a bit tight financially and that there wouldn't be much gift-giving in our household that Christmas. I remember the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I processed the thought that there would be no Lincoln Logs or Erector Set like last year.

So you can imagine my surprise when daddy and mother began dropping broad hints about what might be under the Christmas tree for me. Seems everyone in the family was in on the surprise except me.

"It's about six feet long" , one of them said.

And then to add to my confusion another family member mentioned it was only about three or four inches wide...mostly. 

What?? How can it be that long but so narrow??

But then, another "loving" person, (sibling, no doubt!) brought up the fact that another of its dimensions was 26 inches. Oh...and yet another was 20 inches, or so. 

Wait...! How can one gift have so many different dimensions??

I puzzled and pondered whatever in the wide world of sports might be coming for the kid who days earlier was considering what it might feel like to have a big zero under the tree on Christmas Day. 

The time between the "announcement" and that special day passed agonizingly slowly. I fretted, whined and wheedled trying desperately to find a weak link in the chain who might let something slip that would help me figure it out. Alas; no one broke the stony silence after those few hints had been dropped.

Christmas Eve came and went when normally our family opened presents and "had Christmas". Other than a few remembrances there wasn't much under the tree. I remember a card game called, "Authors". And that may have been the year the family at large received a "Monopoly" game. Some small thing for Sue and a sack of candy for each of us. Oh there was lots of love to go around and plenty to eat. We played games and enjoyed some of Mama's readings. I'm sure we ended the evening with a rousing time of singing around our old green and red Naugahyde covered piano. (Mama could sure make that old thing talk!) But nothing was there that fit the description I had been given.

Sleep didn't come easily that night. I didn't know whether to feel deeply disappointed or full of anticipation for tomorrow.

Christmas Day finally dawned with the family all gathered, anxious to see my reaction to my amazing gift with all the strange dimensions.

Unbeknownst to a little boy distracted by the obtuse hints, daddy had found an old bicycle someone else didn't need any more. He had gotten it for almost nothing and had invested a fortune in parental love resurrecting it with new crank bearings, new tires, new spokes, new handlebar grips with tassels, and a bright new coat of fire engine red paint! I couldn't believe my eyes!!

I have never received a more amazing and treasured gift than that!

And the delight in the family's eyes as I realized they had all told the truth about the height, width and length of my anticipated gift...priceless!

Makes one wonder what is really coming when this life is finished. The dimensions and description we have of Heaven in the Bible are no doubt accurate to the last detail. But the information we have is so far short of the reality of Eternity's magnificence! Just wait till you see the "Place" Jesus has prepared for you who believe! What an indescribable Gift!!

Be faithful and patient...

Richard Orrell, pastor

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 02 2017
The Christmas Play

The Value of the Christmas Play

Things have changed; mostly for the better.  Church Christmas plays these days often enjoy the benefits of advanced sound, lighting and costuming as the Season rolls around.  But remember with me the wonder of those early efforts to re-tell the old, old story of the birth of Christ. 

Who would get to be the shepherds and wise men this year? What treasures would be brought down from the attic to serve as gold, frankincense and myrrh? Do we dare try to use live animals this year? Who will build the sets? And how about new costumes since last year's mildewed in storage? And can't we get a more realistic angel costume? 

But the one casting decision on everyone's mind was always Mary. The Baby was most often a doll cleverly disguised in swaddling clothes and lying in this year's homemade manger filled with hay.  Joseph never had any lines to memorize and mutter. But Mary; young, beautiful, holy and chosen, Mary. 

Whom do we have of that stature and reputation?? And who can carry her grand and profound speaking parts? Whose voice projects well enough to be heard on the back row?

There was always someone.  But not once did a young girl flounce onto the stage wearing the costume and the part as a badge. Without exception, the enormity of the part subdued even the budding actress among us. It was always difficult to get them to speak forcefully the wonder-filled lines as the Virgin realized the task to which God had assigned her. The cheeks of many a young maiden glistened with tears as ancient yet familiar words from the heart of Mary burst from their lips: 

"My soul doth magnify the lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden: for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."

No. We didn't have the benefit of modern technology. But somehow, bathrobes became authentic Jewish garments. Faux angel wings glistened with the dew of Heaven. And Mary once again touched the hearts of true believers with her complete surrender to the will of God.  Somehow authentic shepherds found the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger while angel choirs sang,  "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men!"

Might it have been more professionally done? Of course! But could it have been more meaningful to the participants? Not in a million years! We needed that moment of empathy with the characters of the Nativity in order for them to come off the pages of the Bible and into our hearts. 

That is the true value of church Christmas plays, at least in the heart of this older pastor. Hopefully, such productions will continue year after year for the next generation to whom we will one day pass the torch of Faith. 

Fondly remembering,


Richard Orrell

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 11 2017
I Stand Amazed

With regard to patriotism in America, I stand amazed on two counts.

My heart is thrilled to hear up to date and current stories of American heroes on battlefields who fall on grenades to save the lives of their fellow soldiers exactly as their ancestors did in previous generations. The levels of competence, excellence and commitment in our current generation rival those of “the greatest generation”. War is fought differently now but with the same courage and willingness to die for God, country and flag.

I stand amazed.     

But my second amazement is no less profound than the first.

My heart aches at the continued flagrant disrespect shown to our country, our anthem and our flag at sporting events staffed by the finest athletes in the world, sired and groomed by the Nation they lampoon at a moment when they might serve as catalysts to unite. Their callous disregard for the blood of their peers being shed around the globe to protect their right to such misguided protest shocks me.

I stand amazed. 

But I also stand amazed that we are part of a nation so tolerant and forgiving that we allow such goings on. I am amazed at such Grace.

It is high time that we return to our roots of “one nation under God”.

I stand!


Pastor Richard Orrell

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:01 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 28 2017
Remember Thanksgiving

Three days until November sweeps in on the winds of Autumn. Merchants are already eyeing the hoped-for successes (excesses) of Black Friday while parents cope with sugar-buzzed children from October’s glut of individually wrapped and x-rayed candies.

Malls across America uniformedly gear up for the arrival of Santa and his elves while choirs brush up on carols of the Season. Parties are planned. Family gatherings are circled on many a calendar. Flights are booked. Motel arrangements are made and car rentals secured.

But what about Thanksgiving?? Have we somehow misplaced this MOST important national holiday that has at its heart the foundations of our great land?

Before the calendar turns to November let us commit that we will make time for God, for family and for Church as we celebrate the religious freedoms we have in America.

Thank God for the land of the free and the home of the brave!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Richard Orrell, Pastor

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 23 2017
Master of the storm

The disciples of Jesus had seen enough in their years on the sea to know they were in serious trouble. Galilee had often cast up bits of wreckage and swollen victims after storms just like this one. 

The monster raged sending towering waves smashing into their small boat as it shook it's valiant head and plunged on into the darkness. 

We're not certain who it was who thought of it first;  "If He fed the crowds with a kid's sack lunch, couldn't He do something about this storm??"

And so they woke Him up from a well earned, fatigue induced sleep. 

"Master! Don't you even care that we are about to drown?!"

The brashness of it sounds rather like Peter. But truth be told, we don't know which of the beleaguered sailors was so direct with the Lord. 

Quickly Jesus spoke to the wind and waves, bringing order to the chaos of the storm. 

As the disciples struggled to comprehend the power they had just witnessed, Jesus asked the strangest questions: "Why are you so fearful?" And, "How is it that YOU have no faith?" (Mark 4:40, emphasis mine)

His response prompts one to suppose that had they realized it, the disciples could have spoken to the storm and let Him rest. After all, He had taught them that mustard seed faith is sufficient for mountain moving and tree uprooting. 

What a powerful visual for the disciples that must have been! And such wisdom for Him to connect faith with problem solving in everyday life!

Hopefully we will each catch the lesson as well. And hopefully we will learn to address the storms of life we encounter with the same confidence in our Father who hears us when we pray. 

Be aware, the Master of the storm rides with you. 


Richard Orrell, pastor

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:15 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 16 2017
We're Glad You're Here!

We’re glad you’re here!

Hebrews 10:25 NLT

“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. “

Whether this is your very first Sunday at  Battlefield Assembly or whether you’ve been attending for years, “Welcome Home!”

We love our church and know you’ll feel right at home in God’s House with His people.

Please feel at home in His House this Sunday.

The Holy Spirit has promised us that He will be our invited Guest in the service.  Come and meet him this Sunday!

Wanted to take this opportunity to say each of you are loved and appreciated. Thanks for honoring us by choosing to worship at  Battlefield Assembly today.


I Love you and

His Church,  Pastor Phil


Posted by: Pastor Phil Illum AT 06:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

    Battlefield Assembly of God
    5154 S. State HWY FF  | Battlefield, MO 65619 | PH: (417) 882-1116  |